Womb to wellness – a conversation with our community Event as iCalendar

29 November 2013

03am - 15pm

Venue: AMRF Auditorium (lecture theatre) 505-011, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, 85 Park Road, Grafton

Host: Liggins Institute

Leading NZ columnist and commentator on business, economics, creativity and innovation, Rod Oram, will chair a public forum examining the Liggins Institute’s contributions (past present and future) to our community’s health.
Featured speakers include directors of Liggins Institute programmes and community leaders. The programme includes time and opportunities for questions and open discussion.


The Liggins Institute: A healthy start for a healthy life

The Liggins Institute is at the forefront of research showing that during the 1,000 days following conception a child adapts to its environment in ways that will set the course of its development and lifelong health.

Our focus is on translating research outcomes into actions, both in the clinic and in the community.

What makes us what we are?
Institute founder and Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister, Distinguished Professor Sir Peter Gluckman explains how genetics, evolution, environment and culture converge to mould our development and future health.

Newborn care for lifelong health
University of Auckland Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), neonatologist and member of the Liggins Institute’s LiFEPATH research group, Distinguished Professor Jane Harding explains the ongoing search for the best treatments for newborn babies, and how we are beginning to understand the implications of these treatments for health throughout life and even into the next generation.

A delicate balance
Liggins Institute Director and internationally recognised paediatric endocrinologist, Professor Wayne Cutfield reveals how small variations in the nutritional environment at conception, during pregnancy and at the time of birth can put our adult health at risk.

Fuelling future health
Liggins Institute Research Director and Professor of Nutrition David Cameron-Smith reveals some less-known facts about how our bodies respond to the food we eat and why prospective parents need to be food-fit for the journey ahead.

Intervention through inspiration
Leading New Zealand science educator, the developer and Director of the Liggins Education Network for Science (LENScience), Jacquie Bay describes the inspirational programme that is empowering teens around the world to change their communities’ health.


Our children and our community

The Liggins Institute is a significant contributor to the intellectual power of Auckland city and New Zealand, but we cannot exist in isolation. The underlying motivation for our work is to uncover and transfer knowledge that will help people to live better, healthier lives now and in the future. We believe the key to this goal is to focus on our children and young people.
In recent years children and young people have become a focus of Civic, Government and community initiatives.

We have invited prominent community leaders to comment on our performance and how we might best contribute to our community in the years ahead.

The Mayor of Auckland City, Len Brown will address the question:
What is the value of the Liggins Institute, with its focus on pregnancy and early childhood, to our city?

The Children’s Commissioner Dr Russell Wills will address the question:
“What can Liggins Institute researchers do to improve the outcomes for NZ’s children?”

Dame Jenny Gibbs - Distinguished Citizen of Auckland City, philanthropist and Liggins Institute benefactor will address the question:
“Why should the philanthropic community support research in New Zealand?”

Following this event there will be an opportunity to visit the Institute's facilities. Arrangements will be announced at the time.

Please register for this event here