Liggins staff helping to shape national research initiatives

16 December 2014

The Institute has consolidated its position as a leader and contributor to research in areas of national importance. Institute Director Professor Wayne Cutfield and Deputy Director Professor David Cameron-Smith are interim directors of two National Science Challenges hosted by the University of Auckland.

Professor Cutfield is leading development of the Challenge: A Better Start - E Tipu e Rea through its six-month commencement phase, preparing for a full submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment early in 2015. The Challenge is focused on improving the potential of young New Zealanders to have a healthy and successful life.

MBIE website National Science Challenges: A Better Start

High Value Nutrition - Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga, the first Challenge to be announced, is now in its establishment phase. Led by Professor Cameron-Smith, the proposed programme of work developed by the Science Leadership Team has been submitted to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, with research expected to start in 2015.

National Science Challenge: High Value Nutrition

MBIE December National Science Challenges

Institute members have also contributed to the development of a National Strategic Plan for Science and Society. The plan, A Nation of Curious Minds: He Whenua Hihiri I te Mahara,is the blueprint for the Science in Society Project which has been developed jointly by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Education with close involvement from the office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman. It responds to the science and society challenge for government considered by the National Science Challenge Panel to be central to the success of all the Challenges.

LENScience Programme Director Jacquie Bay was a member of the Science in Society reference group which contributed to the plan’s development.

National strategy for science in society welcomed